Dynamic Strand Sizing
What is Dynamic Strand Sizing?
Dynamic Strand Sizing is the use of multiple different strand sizes of conductor to improve performance and dynamic range. The standard IEM cable utilizes stranded wires, these wires consist of many thin strands of conductive metals, be it copper, silver or other metal mixes. While most cables in the market utilize just a single strand size, our Dynamic Strand Sizing cables use a combination of different strand sizes. Larger strand sizes optimize bandwidth for lower frequencies while smaller strand sizes optimize bandwidth for higher frequencies. The effect of combining various different strand sizes together is optimized bandwidth across the frequency range, resulting in improved sonics.
Advantages of Dynamic Strand Sizing:
- Increased macro dynamics and finer micro dynamics
Due to each frequency having its own optimized bandwidth, each group of frequencies can travel through their own unconstricted, optimized path. This eliminates the usual masking of dynamics from conventional single gauge cables and allows the full extent of dynamics to be portrayed. With our Dynamic Strand Sizing designs, you can expect more impactful macro dynamics, grander sense of scale and more subtle shades of micro dynamics.
- Improved detailing and tonal depth
In addition to having an optimized path for each frequency range, we are also able to create additional layering within each frequency range. For example, by utilizing different conductors for the upper midrange and lower midrange, the frequency load of the midrange is spread between different conductors, allowing for greater amounts of detail to be conveyed without relying on added treble to artificially create perception of greater detail. You can expect to hear a greater amount of true detail conveyed in an organic manner and greater insight into fine tonal and timbral shifts.
- Improved layering, separation and staging, larger sonic image
With each frequency having their own optimized conductor, the signal is no longer constricted and forced to compete for space on the soundstage. Each frequency is free to find its own place and the result is an improvement in layering and separation. This also larger, more three-dimensional images that “pop” and have a sense of tangibility on the stage. The larger sonic image might feel intimate at first as the larger image will create the impression of a closer image. Despite this, the improved layering emphasizes the space between instruments and prevents the presentation from getting claustrophobic. Instead what you get is a wholly immersive stage with an intimate center image, and images that are cleanly separated and layered.
- Tuning
Dynamic Strand Sizing cables also offer us the flexibility of tuning the tonality of our cables, by adjusting the ratio and mix of bass, midrange and high frequency strands, we are able to shift the relative emphasis of each frequency range. In effect, this allows us to craft specific recipes of strand ratios to achieve different sound signatures and shifts in tonality. This frees us from the usual constraints of each conductor material (copper being warm and silver being bright etc.) and allows us to craft unique signatures and also achieve our desired optimal tonality for each design.